Treating Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Medication and Therapies

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Long-term Monitoring


Patients with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are often apprehensive about treatment and often think that they don’t need it. In those who have accepted that they need help by undergoing therapy, it is important that therapists maintain interest. This is done through long-term monitoring.
Long-term monitoring of patients ensures that they keep an open mind. By focusing on the rewards and gains, therapists are able to help their patients keep on track with their progress, preventing them from skipping sessions. Therapists are also able to make sure that patients take their prescribed medications (if there are any) as directed, making sure that co-occurring disorders do not derail healing. Patients are also prevented from engaging in reckless activities by providing constant help in times of stress, depression and anxiety, all of which have the potential of reversing the progress gained in therapy.
The goal of long-term monitoring is to make sure that patients remain focused on their goal: to become well enough to repair the wounds of damaged relationships brought about by their old narcissistic behavior