Treating Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Medication and Therapies

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Parenting Style Modification (Narcissistic Personality Disorder in Children)


All personality disorders such as Narcissistic Personality Disorder, are determined by environmental influences that are experienced during childhood. Studies have shown that 75% of the time, the development of NPD traits in adults have their origins in the way they were brought up. This is why parenting style modification is seen as an important way of treating, if not, preventing the development of NPD.
Overly-authoritarian as well as inconsistent neglectful-overindulgent parenting styles can either fracture a child’s self-worth or confuse them. The former puts pressure on the child to meet the high standards set upon them, while the latter muddles the child’s picture of himself. In order for them to cope, some children develop narcissistic traits to support their ego, masking their inadequacies with false notions of superiority towards others. NPD can ultimately be improved by correcting these parenting styles, shifting them to one that is encouraging, nurturing and non-threatening.