Treating Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Medication and Therapies

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Group Therapy


Group Therapy per se does not help a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder directly, however, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work in the treatment of NPD.
Why is Group therapy not effective in treating the patient directly you ask? To begin with, people with NPD will never sign up for it since they think that they don’t need fixing and that they are better than the system itself. However, there are times that narcissists might find themselves in Group Therapy, but it won’t be because they’re seeking treatment. Oftentimes, these patients try to take over the group, imposing their dominance on the other members of the circle.
So why is Group Therapy included in this list? On the rare occasions that NPD patients do show up, therapists take advantage by teaching others in the group how to cope with someone who is narcissistic. Group therapy teaches others how to deal with narcissism by encouraging members, members who aren’t narcissists, to share what it is like living with someone who doesn’t listen. By changing how people deal and interact with a patient with NPD, therapists are able to create an environment where NPD patients are unable to impose themselves on others, which, in time, helps these people by preventing their egos from being fed.