Treating Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Medication and Therapies

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Anti-anxiety Drugs


Anti-anxiety drugs, particularly benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax), are sometimes employed during the treatment of Narcissistic Personality Disorder patients. This is done to improve anxiety and sleep in patients with NPD. Sometimes, NPD patients suffer from anxiety as a co-occurring disorder, making their adherence to therapy difficult. Patients sometimes become anxious, especially when engaging in group, family or marital therapy which can be stressful.
These tranquilizers are usually given on a short-term basis, only to address the acute onset of anxiety. Since these are prone to being abused by patients who get addicted to their sedating effects, prolonged use is avoided.
Anti-anxiety drugs have no direct effect on the improvement of NPD. However, their effectiveness in preventing patients from experiencing anxiety that could derail progress, cannot be disregarded.