47 Household Hacks That You Never Knew About Before

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Markers on a Measuring Tape


You’ve probably had to use a measuring tape at least once in your life, but have you ever truly taken a look at one before putting it to use? On closer inspection, you’ll notice that the tip of the tape actually has a hard piece of metal at the end, which is used for a variety of purposes. One, the little slot at the tip is meant to be placed around a nail to hold the tape in place to get the proper measurement. Another is that the tip is a bit serrated, that’s so you can make a mark on the wall or surface if you don’t have a pen or pencil with you. The tiny diamonds known as “stud finders” also serve a purpose, showing the exact center between 2 studs in your wall. Of course that’s normally used by contractors and the like since it can be a bit more confusing for those not in the building business.