How Breaking The Internet Almost Took This Rescue Dog Away From His New Home

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Paths Crossed Online


As with every pet owner, the bond we experience with our furry friends transcends to our deep emotions. Indeed, it is the most amazing feeling of pure connection. Simply put, if does not connect, it is not the right fit. After all, it is a love connection, right? Dan and Megan made their way to the Detroit Dog Rescue center, crossing their fingers that the dog they fell in love with online would live up to their expectations. Their long search online brought them to a Facebook post they saw on the page of the rescue shelter. Their only desire is to help the energetic and friendly Mr. Wiggleton find a new home. Luckily, the young couple’s hearts were heighted upon seeing him on the Facebook post and were quite anxious about their first meeting with the quirky canine. We only hope the feeling they felt online with be translated in real life. Will they feel a connection? We can only find out soon enough and hope it is not too late.