How Breaking The Internet Almost Took This Rescue Dog Away From His New Home

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New Dog, New Pet Name

Life With Dogs

It cannot be denied that the smiles of his new parents’ faces show pure happiness. To say the least, Dan and Megan’s happiness was obvious. The smiles on their faces a true reflection of what they really felt inside and a reflection of what their new pet also felt towards them. Along with his new life, Mr. Wiggleton also got a new nickname, Diggy! The couple’s new home was happy too. With the arrival of Diggy, the house transformed from happy to very happy as it was filled with more laughter and joy, all coming from the three who were brought together by fate. It was picture perfect. It was not enough that the trio was happy being together. The love they felt being together was not to be kept selfishly for themselves. Their lives are complete. So, it seems.