29 Photographs That Tell Us About Hollywood’s Past

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More Than A Pretty Face

Groovy History

Sharon Stone has starred in a ton of movies, but it would seem that everyone knows her for her role in Basic Instinct, because really, how can anyone forget? While Stone came out in a few TV shows like Magnum P.I and Remington Steele, it was when she decided to use her brains that she truly made it into the big leagues. She said, “I decided because I was a very bookworm person that I had to use my intelligence of how to be sexy. So I was very good friends with the woman who was photo-editor of Playboy magazine and she was always saying that Hugh Hefner wanted me to be in Playboy. I thought, ‘you know what, this would be an intelligent step for me because if I tell people that I’m sexy, they’ll think I’m sexy’. So I showed her some black and white pictures that Man Ray had taken of his wife and said, ‘something like this’. And I got Basic Instinct, like five minutes later.”