Stages and Symptoms Of HIV

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Things You Need To Know


There is no cure for HIV, whether it’s through medical or alternative treatments. But it does not mean you can’t live a healthy life. Always consult your doctor, and if you want to try alternative medicine to supplement your standard Western treatment, do your research as well. Know that most doctors will discourage alternative medicine as there is a lack of evidence about its effectiveness. Check on costs also, as your health insurance may ot cover some treatments. Investigate the training of the person doing the treatment, there are a lot of charlatans out there. There are no miracle cures, although miracles may happen. Remember that natural does not always presume to be safe, people react to treatments in different ways.
Whatever treatments you decide to have, living with HIV is not easy. Most people fall into a depression, which actually makes it harder for the body to heal. Try to see the positive side of things, you can still live a good, healthy life.