30 Things You Should Never Do In New York

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Do Not Get Victimized By Scams

Source: https://image-cdn.hypb.st/

Especially if you dress the part as a tourist (you will stand out), con men can spot you a mile away. Even if a well-dressed gentleman approaches you for some money for a train ride as he lost his wallet, don’t think he’s too well dressed to take advantage of you. And don’t play shell or card games in the street because someone or everyone’s most likely in on the scam, and you will surely give up your money. Scam artists are searching for easy targets and will take advantage of unsuspecting tourists. Costumed characters in Times Square will approach visitors and have a photo taken with them then demand a tip afterward. Swindlers will sell tourists fake tickets for free attractions. And some restaurants even add gratuities or additional tips to the dining guests’ bills. Be aware of these scams and don’t be fooled. If you have enough money to give, look for a charity or shelter, it will be of better use.