30 Things You Should Never Do In New York

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Never Bother Doing Small Talk

Source: https://s.yimg.com/

Making small talk with strangers in a bus or train is not appreciated. Besides, New York is not the friendliest of places, so useless chatter is useless. Don’t waste a New Yorker’s time. It’s not that they think their time is more valuable than yours. They just have less idle time because of their demanding work hours and countless responsibilities. Remember locals are always in a rush and normally keep to themselves. Unless you are asking for help, refrain from idle chat with people you don’t know. 

Even if you see someone you know on the train or the subway platform, just say a quick hello and walk away. It’s also acceptable to just not acknowledge each other entirely since they don’t appreciate small talk.

Ready for your next trip to New York City? Just follow the list and don’t do what you’re not supposed to do, and you’re guaranteed a wonderful trip free of discomfort and awkwardness.