18 Foods That Can Cause Cancer

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Potato Chips

Source: https://imgix.bustle.com

It is rare for an American home to be devoid of an American snack favorite, potato chips. A favorite of couch potatoes, and goes well with a cold beer. Most homes serve this snack while watching the ball game on TV, poker nights, even childrens parties. They may be cheap, delicious, and easy to find, but they can be detrimental to our health. These fatty snacks not only can cause weight gain because of their high trans-fat content, but most also have high sodium levels. This can cause high blood pressure. Some also contain unhealthy preservatives, artificial colors, etc. Another risk is the presence of acrylamide, a known carcinogen found in cigarettes. If you have to satisfy your craving for chips, go natural…fry your own from fresh potatoes. It may be more work, but that is the price you pay for trying to stay healthy.