18 Foods That Can Cause Cancer

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Source: https://britannica.com

Okay, so alcohol is not considered a food per se (although beer may be), attention still deserves to be called to it, so we are making an exception for your health benefit. Alcohol is the second leading cause of cancer next to tobacco. While a low consumption of alcohol may be deemed healthy, studies have shown that lifestyles of over 200,000 women through 14 years who drank one drink per day had a 30 percent increase in the risk of breast cancer as compared to women who did not drink. And that is considered a low to moderate rate of consumption, you can imagine what the risk is for those habitual and binge drinkers. We know that excessive drinking can cause heart failure, stroke, and sudden death, aside from other liver and blood maladies. But, not all heavy drinkers get ailments, or cancer. Just like not many smokers get lung cancer, and non-smokers can still get lung cancer. It is just all about minimizing risks, especially if you are older.