Common Signs And Symptoms Of Liver Damage

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Symptoms Of Liver Cirrhosis

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Liver cirrhosis, or scarring of the liver, is a severe and irreversible liver disease that results from long-term liver inflammation and swelling. When your healthy liver tissue is damaged and increasingly replaced by scar tissue, the scar tissue affects the normal structure of your liver. As scar tissue builds up, your liver is prevented from carrying out its normal functions. Many types of liver disease, particularly hepatitis and alcoholic fatty liver disease, can lead to cirrhosis which develops progressive symptoms as your liver fails.
Like a majority of liver diseases, the early symptoms of cirrhosis are not recognizable. But as the condition progresses, it can cause jaundice, very itchy skin, abdominal pain and swelling, edema in the legs and ankles, nausea, fatigue and weakness, unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite, and tendency to bleed and bruise easily. Other more specific symptoms include impotence, poor sex drive, and gynecomastia or enlarged breasts in men, spider nevi, reddening of the palms (palmar erythema), swollen blood vessels that can cause blood in vomit and stools, and sensitivity to medicines. You may also experience psychological changes, such as confusion, forgetfulness, and poor concentration that may progress to significant personality changes as the disease worsens.