Common Signs And Symptoms Of Liver Damage

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Symptoms Of Genetic Conditions That Can Lead To Liver Problems


  • Wilson’s disease, a rare inherited condition that causes copper to accumulate in your liver and other vital organs, possibly to a life-threatening level, instead of excreting excess copper through the liver’s bile. Symptoms do not appear until copper builds up in the liver and other organs, but when they do appear, they include jaundice, abdominal pain and swelling, edema in the legs, loss of appetite, fatigue, muscle stiffness or uncontrolled movements, problems with speech and swallowing, and eye discoloration called Kayser–Fleischer rings (KF rings).
  • Gilbert’s syndrome is a common, harmless liver condition that causes a slight increase in bilirubin levels in the blood. One in three people with Gilbert’s syndrome do not experience any symptoms, and those who do have symptoms only develop mild jaundice.