Common Signs And Symptoms Of Liver Damage

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When To See A Doctor

Canadian Inquirer

Often, you will not notice any symptoms at the onset of a liver disease. However, make an appointment with your health provider the moment symptoms appear, especially if you have persistent signs or symptoms, such as severe abdominal pain that causes you a great deal of discomfort. Jaundice, ascites, edema in the legs, dark urine, pale or tarry stools, persistent fever, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, weakness, and unexplained weight loss require urgent medical evaluation and treatment. Distinct symptoms often indicate that the disease has reached an advanced stage, and it’s vital that you immediately see your doctor.
Run to the nearest emergency room in cases of accidental or intentional acetaminophen overdose for immediate medical attention. Antidotes can be provided to eliminate toxins, but they are only effective when given within the first hours. Without immediate intervention, acetaminophen overdose may lead to liver failure.