16 Home Remedies That Work For Relieving A Sore Throat

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5. Salt Water

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Gargling with salt water is an easy, well-known and extremely effective natural remedy to soothing and getting rid of a sore throat. The salt in the warm water helps reduces inflammation in your throat by pulling the water out of the soft tissues of your throat. It has also been proven to help loosen mucus, kill microbes and flush out bacteria and throat irritants that can cause pain or discomfort in the throat.
Doctors generally recommend dissolving half a teaspoon to one teaspoon of salt into one cup of warm water. Use natural salts as much as possible, like sea salt, as opposed to iodized salts. Take a mouthful of the mixture and gargle thoroughly for 30 seconds, making sure to gargle in the back of the throat. It should sting—that’s the salt doing its work to remove harmful bacteria from your throat and mouth. After the prescribed gargling time, spit the salt water mixture out—do not swallow it. Do this several times a day, or as needed, to get rid of that nasty sore throat.