16 Home Remedies That Work For Relieving A Sore Throat

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14. Coconut Oil

Source: https://media3.s-nbcnews.com/

Coconut oil is an amazing natural ingredient that has many desirable medical properties. It has antioxidant and anti-ageing benefits that counter the effects of degeneration, and its antimicrobial and anti-fungal abilities protect the body from infections. Studies show that this versatile ingredient may help fight bacteria, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, cure digestive disorders, combat skin conditions and fight obesity, among others. Plus it’s a delicious and healthy alternative to other oils commonly used in cooking.
Coconut oil has also been used for its soothing properties as it helps lubricate the mucous membranes in the throat. For relief of sore throat, add a spoonful of coconut oil to hot tea and drink slowly. If you can stomach it, take a spoonful of coconut oil directly in your mouth and allow it to slowly melt down your throat. Make sure you do not exceed 2 tablespoons of coconut oil per day, as it can have a laxative effect at higher dosages.