Photos of People Who Dated (or Knew) Someone Famous Before They Became Stars

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Matt Le Blanc


Why, yes it is! Twitter user @RimKoumaira posted a picture Matt Le Blanc, getting cozy in front of a Christmas tree with a woman whom she says is her mom. The uploader claims that the young actor once dated her mother, who we think is gorgeous! We presume that the photo was taken just before Le Blanc landed the role of Joey Tribbiani in the 90s hit TV sitcom, “Friends,” a gig that made him famous all over the world.
After a 5-year hiatus following the cancellation of the Friends spin-off series, “Joey”, The Golden Globe-awardee and Emmy Award-nominated actor made a successful comeback which included hosting the popular BBC motoring show, “Top Gear” among others. He currently stars in the CBS sitcom “Man with a Plan,” which started airing in 2016.