Common Symptoms And Causes Of Dizziness

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Causes Of Dizziness


Dizziness may be attributed to a variety of possible causes, including an underlying health condition, alcohol consumption, or an injury. Typically, occasional episodes of dizziness are not a cause for concern, but in some cases, dizziness may indicate a more serious condition, especially when there are other symptoms present. The duration and severity of dizziness, along with the presence of other symptoms, may help your doctor determine an accurate diagnosis.
Some of the most common causes of dizziness are inner ear disturbance, blood pressure problems, heart diseases, brain diseases such as migraines or strokes, psychiatric conditions such as anxiety or depression, metabolic disorders such as dehydration or hypoglycemia, endocrine diseases such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, low iron levels, internal bleeding or hemorrhage, allergies, infections, motion sickness, pregnancy, aging, use of certain medications, alcohol consumption, injuries, prolonged bed rest, and excessive exercise.