Common Symptoms And Causes Of Dizziness

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Lightheadedness refers to a sensation of faintness or a feeling you’re close to passing out. It’s normal to experience occasional episodes of lightheadedness. In most cases, these attacks pass quickly and can improve when you sit or lie down to rest. You may also experience bouts of lightheadedness with vertigo or nausea and vomiting. Extreme lightheadedness may result in actual fainting or loss of consciousness.
The most common cause of lightheadedness is orthostatic hypotension, which is defined by a sudden drop in systolic or diastolic blood pressure when you stand up. The quick change in position, from a sitting or supine position to a standing position, diverts blood flow temporarily from your brain to your body. This is more likely to happen when you are dehydrated or sick with the cold or flu. Other causes of lightheadedness include allergies, altitude sickness, anxiety, stress, low blood sugar, hyperventilation, prolonged exposure to hot weather, smoking, alcohol consumption, and use of certain medications.