Common Symptoms And Causes Of Dizziness

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Dizziness Caused By Alcohol

Better Balance in Life

Nobody enjoys getting “the spins” from consuming too much alcohol, however, it is a common side effect that you experience when binge drinking. Alcohol dizziness is more associated with vertigo, hence the name “the spins,” but it can also be in the form of lightheadedness or a feeling like you’re about to pass out. Sitting or lowering your head may improve your condition, but extreme lightheadedness may lead to actual fainting or loss of consciousness. It may also cause nausea and vomiting.
While drinking may feel pleasant at first, relaxing you, reducing tension, and lowering your inhibitions, as your liver processes more alcohol, you will begin to appear drunk and feel dizzy along with other side effects, including slower reflexes, slower brain activity, flushed face or skin, lower core body temperature, slurred speech, poor vision, double vision, sleepiness, mood swings, and changes in perception. There are also several balance-related signs that may indicate your level of intoxication, such as swaying while standing, staggering, stumbling, trouble standing or sitting up straight, and falling.