29 Of The Most Expensive Houses In The World

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Villa Les Cèdres – French Riviera Worth $400 Million

Source: https://img.thedailybeast.com

Villa Les Cèdres is a humongous and gorgeous villa that sits in the French Riviera, and it was formally owned by the King of Belgium way back in the 1830s. The 18,000-square foot mansion has ‘14 bedrooms, an Olympic-sized swimming pool, a wood-paneled library holding 3,000 books on flora and naturalism (including a 1640 edition of a botanical codex), a man-made pond with Amazonian lily pads, a bronze statue of Athena, a chandelier-lit ballroom, a stable big enough for 30 horses, grand sitting rooms, 19th century portraits in ornate frames, and stunning wood work throughout.’ And to make it even more spectacular, it’s said that you can see all way to Corsica ‘on a clear day.’ No wonder it also comes with a price tag of $400 million as well.