The World’s Largest Dog Breeds That Are Amazing

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The Great Dane


The Great Dane is truly a great and magnificent dog. They are considered “gentle giants”, though they may be a bit clumsy because of their size. They are tall dogs, with males averaging between 76-86 cm, and females, 71-81 cm. The tallest Great Dane on record was “Zeus” who stood 111.8 cm. The Great Dane were called boar hounds, as they were meant to hunt boars. These gentle giants can weigh up to 175 pounds, and live to about 10 years on the average. When they stand on their hind legs, they are taller than most of their owners. Gentle, yes, but protective and courageous as well. They do make excellent guard dogs, as they are alert, and look intimidating. But a good companion to have.