30 Things Tourists Should Never Do in Hawaii

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Approach Wildlife

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On the many beaches of Hawaii, you are most likely to run into Hawaiian monk seals or green sea turtles basking in the hot sun. If you do, it is best to let them be and just observe them. Monk seals are known to be aggressive. If you encounter this wildlife while walking your pet, please keep in mind that Hawaii’s leash laws apply to all beaches. So keep all pets on a leash and pick up after them. Dogs have attacked seals, and they carry diseases that are potentially lethal to seals. While Hawaiian green sea turtles are mostly docile creatures but both are protected and endangered species. If you encounter any marine mammal in trouble (injured, stranded, or entangled whale, dolphin or seal), please call the NOAA Marine Mammal Hotline: 1-888-256-9840. Please report immediately and keep your distance, for your safety.