30 Things Tourists Should Never Do in Hawaii

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Collect Stones

Source: https://www.thoughtco.com/

In Hawaii, most especially in sacred places, collecting stones is considered bad luck. As a tourist, do not collect or even remove stones in scared places. Back in December 2016, Jennifer Lawrence told an anecdote on The Graham Norton Show, that while she was shooting for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire in 2012 a rock fell because she had scratched her butt on it. She had to apologize for this incident since it had offended some Hawaiians. If you are not sure if a stone is sacred, consider that in Hawaiian thinking, everything is considered sacred especially when it is around nature. This is because Native Hawaiian Religion is polytheistic and animistic, with a belief in many deities and spirits, including the belief that spirits are found in non-human beings and objects in nature.