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Forget to Pay Tribute to a Monarch

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King Kamehameha is known for uniting the Hawaiian Islands in 1810. He unified the legal system. He also promoted trade with Europe and the United States. Historians believe Kamehameha was born in 1758, the year Halley’s comet passed over Hawaii. Every 11th of June, the island nation celebrates King Kamehameha Day to pay homage to a beloved Hawaiian monarch. It is the only state in the Unites States to honor a monarch of a native Hawaiian. The most recognized statue of King Kamehameha stands in front of Aliiolani Hale (judiciary building) across from lolani Palace. This statue of King Kamehameha is an 18-foot bronze statue extending his hand in a welcoming gesture of aloha. This was actually the second statue created, since the ship carrying the original statue from Europe was lost at sea.