29 Things You Should Never Do In Australia

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Don’t Think Ordering A Beer In Australia Is Simple

Source: http://www.pulopool.com

If you are not driving, then do enjoy the beers Australia has to offer. Don’t think Foster’s is “the Aussie beer,” hardly anybody drinks it in Australia. There are several great beers, but it depends on where you are, it is best to know certain facts. Australia is composed of 6 states and two territories. Beer is served in different sized bottles, and names vary from place to place. The states are New South Wales (NSW), where Sydney is; Victoria, where you find Melbourne; South Australia, where Adelaide is located; Western Australia, home to Perth; Queensland, Brisbane and the Great Barrier Reef; and Tasmania, home to rugged coastlines. The 2 territories are the Australia Capital Territory, which is simply called Canberra, the capital city, and the Northern Territory, where the famous Outback is. Beer is served, in NSW, for example, by pint (20 ounces), schooner (15 ounces), middy (10 ounces), seven (7 ounces), and pony (5 ounces). In Victoria, a middy is called pot, a seven is called glass, and a small glass (6 ounces) is in between a glass and a pony. In Western Australia, a small glass is called a bobbie, and they even have a shetland (4 ounces). So you get it? Also, when in a group and it’s your turn to buy a round, just say “it’s my shout,” and order at the bar for your group. That is what shouting a beer is, not raising your voice as you would have thought. Enjoy your drinks!