29 Things You Should Never Do In Barcelona

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Never Think Everything Is Open On Sunday

Source: http://www.barcelonacityblog.com

If it’s your first time visiting Spain, then an important tip to remember is that the locals take siestas from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. for some establishments, and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. for restaurants and bars. This is just the way of life for them and a practice that they’ve had for a very long time. But when Sunday rolls around, many places around the city are completely closed, they don’t even open at all, any time of that day so if you need to stock up on supplies, be sure to do it on Saturday, or even before then to make sure that you get everything you need. You’ll eventually come to realize that having a full day of rest and relaxation might be just the way life should truly be enjoyed in the first place.