29 Things You Should Never Do In Denmark

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Don’t Forget The Hand Signals

Source: https://i.pinimg.com

Whether written or unwritten, the Danes always follow the rules, especially in matters that involve safety. Since biking is very much a part of their daily routine, expect that a system is in place to make this as efficient and safe for everyone. You may not be doing this back where you’re from, but when you are riding a bike in the bicycle-filled streets of the city, don’t think it’s trivial and neglect to signal with your hand if you are turning. Since biking is not exactly done as a leisure, Danes ride at a quick pace as much as possible as they also use bikes to get to work. Failing to signal disrupts the flow of traffic and fails to give ample time and space for those behind you to maneuver, which can lead to accidents so don’t take this lightly.