30 Things You Should Never Do In Israel

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Do Not Smoke On Saturday

Source: https://cdn-prod.medicalnewstoday.com

Israelis love to smoke. It took a long while for the government to set-up smoking bans in certain areas. You will still see locals light up even in front of the no-smoking sign. If you are a non-smoker, get used to smoky places. It will also be useless to complain. However, Saturday is the Shabbat, a religious day for Orthodox Jews, and they are firmly strict about not smoking on this day. This holds true for all places in Israel, outdoors or indoors. Even if you are not a Jew, you will be expected to respect this and follow. Non-smokers love this day, it’s the only day the can get a whiff of the air without any second-hand smoke torturing their souls.