26 Things You Should Never Do In The United Kingdom

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Do Not Expect Table Service At a Pub

Source: https://www.churchillarmskensington.co.uk/

Thirsty after a day of sightseeing will probably bring you to the nearest pub, and there are a lot around. British love to get together at pubs. However, if you sit at a table waiting for a waiter to come over and get your order, you will remain thirsty for a long time. British pubs follow an unwritten rule: go to the bar, order your drinks and pub grub, and pay before you sit at a table. The waiter will soon enough have your orders brought to your table. However, restaurants and hotels follow a different service etiquette. The one you are most likely used to. So get used to this, that way you enjoy pubs in the UK. It is worth it after all. Cheers!