29 Vaseline Uses That You May Not Know

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Is Your Ring Stuck? Vaseline to the Rescue!

Source: https://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com

A lot of people have experienced a ring getting stuck on their finger. You can put on a ring, but then for some reason you can’t remove it. There are a lot of reasons why this could happen; from the change in temperature, swelling, the ring being too small, or you’ve binged on too much fast food. Don’t worry, that ring isn’t stuck on your finger forever.
The most common ways to remove a stuck ring would be to stick something under the ring and slide it off, leave your finger under running water for a prolonged period, and other remedies that would require a lot of work. Some tips to remove a ring may even be painful! Why not, simply use Vaseline?
Just dab a bit of Vaseline on the ring and the skin surrounding it. Then slowly wiggle the ring onto the slippery skin, just do it slowly until the ring is removed.