29 Vaseline Uses That You May Not Know

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Use Vaseline for a Mess Free Mani-Pedi

Source: https://www.siddysays.com

It would be great if we can go to the salon every time, we need a manicure and a pedicure, especially the big fancy ones using the spray-on manicure. However, not everyone has the free time to go to a salon or the extra bucks to spend. Well, here is a simple trick that can improve your DIY mani-pedi. You will need to prepare the items that you will be using such as Nail Polish, Vaseline, and Q-Tips. Next, you will need to clean your hands and your polish-free nails. You will then use the Q-Tips to cover your cuticles with Vaseline. Do your best not to get any on your nails. Once that is done, it’s time to apply the nail polish as usual. Let the nail polish dry, once it is dry, wipe away the Vaseline with a paper towel.
Does it look great? Yes? Of course, it does! The Vaseline acted as a barrier between your skin and the excess nail polish.