19 Ways To Remove A Hickey

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Cover it up

Source: https://www.sewrella.com

Regardless of what remedy you opt to follow, hickeys won’t go away overnight. In the meantime, covering that hickey up would be your best option. Especially if you don’t have enough time to stay at home and let your hickey heal even for a couple of days. And you are fortunate enough to only have hickeys around the lower part of your neck. Why not wear a high-necked shirt or even a turtle neck? Or maybe use a pretty scarf that you can wrap around your neck to cover the hickey? If your hair is long enough, you can also try to leave your hair down to help hide the hickey. These are just some ways to cover your hickeys, but take note that it will take some time to heal. Even if you follow some or all of our suggestions, it will still take some time for your hickey to heal and fade. Time does heal all wounds after all.