19 Ways To Remove A Hickey

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Toothpaste Your Hickey Away

Source: https://brightside.me

Other than massaging your hickey to promote blood circulation to hasten fading. Applying ointments and oils on a hickey to help it heal have been practiced. One particular home remedy would actually only require you to use something that every household would most likely have on hand – TOOTHPASTE! Apply some toothpaste on your hickey. Just gently rub a small amount of toothpaste on the affected area of the hickey and leave it there for several of minutes, five to ten minutes should suffice. You may feel a slight tingling sensation, don’t worry about it since it will eventually stop; after a while, use a washcloth damped with warm water to gently remove the toothpaste. You may repeat this process if the hickey marks do not subside after a day or so.