19 Ways To Remove A Hickey

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Eat Food that is Rich in Vitamin K

Source: https://www.stylecraze.com

In addition to rubbing Vitamin K cream on your hickey, another way to hasten the healing process of your hickey and to help it fade faster would be to eat food that is rich in vitamin K. Eating food like leafy greens, soy beans, pork, poultry, and brown rice would help. Specific green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, mustard greens, parsley, romaine, green leaf lettuce, turnip greens, collards, and Swiss chard contain a lot of vitamin K. Pork and poultry also contain vitamin K, but in smaller amounts. If eating a lot of vitamin K rich food is not possible due to dietary concerns or just lack of availability, taking vitamin K supplements would also suffice. Another benefit of this method would be that it would help you eat healthier on top of helping you get rid of that hickey!