19 Ways To Remove A Hickey

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Using a Cold Spoon Might be Better

Source: https://www.qunki.com

You may have read somewhere that placing a cold spoon on your hickey would make it heal faster. In fact, when you do this, you are actually using the cold spoon as a cold compress. It won’t make the hickey magically disappear, it will however soothe the inflammation and help in the healing process.
And according to Dr. Robert Finney, a Brooklyn-based dermatologist, a cold spoon might work better as a cold compress for hickeys because of its convex surface. A cold spoon would be able to apply pressure on a targeted area of the hickey, compared to a larger area if a bigger cold compress is used (like a bag of ice). The verdict is out, a cold spoon will be able to work as a cold compress and soothe a hickey, but it won’t erase it overnight.