29 Most Expensive Pets You Can Own

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Ring-tailed Lemur

Source: http://animalia.bio/

Estimated Value: $3,500
Other Pet Expenses: annual costs ($7,400)
Made even more popular by King Julien, the self-proclaimed lord of lemurs, and Mort, the baby lemur, in the computer-animated comedy film, Madagascar, a lot of people are finding the exotic ring-tailed lemur charming. However, you’ll need to get a license, find a breeder, locate a qualified veterinarian who can treat this exotic primate, and figure how to set up its home before you get one. You can get a permit to buy a lemur for $3,500 in Texas or Florida, but it’s illegal for purchase or adoption in many of the other states. Aside from your initial expenses in purchasing and housing, you’ll need to plan spending on vaccines, neutering, food, and a cage for transporting. You might also require professional help training your pet lemur before it hurts itself or bites anyone in the family.