29 Most Expensive Pets You Can Own

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Sugar Glider

Source: https://www.thesprucepets.com/

Estimated Value: $500
Other Pet Expenses: cage and accessories ($200), food ($10 per month), healthcare
This adorable, tiny marsupial with very large eyes can glide through the air like a flying squirrel. It’s a curious, intelligent creature that loves to cuddle and play with people. This pet costs between $250 and $500 to adopt. You can purchase one at the mall or from a local breeder, but you need to first check if it’s legal to sell and buy a sugar glider in your area. Many of these marsupials are illegally taken from their natural habitat and sold in the black market.
A sugar glider likes to explore and climb to a place where it can jump of and glide, so you should place it in a big cage with lots of toys to keep it occupied whenever you can’t watch over it. Food, maintenance, and healthcare won’t be too expensive, but a sugar glider is a social animal. Living in colonies in the wild, it shouldn’t be alone, so be prepared to spend a few more hundreds (or thousands) to get your pet a friend or two or more.