29 Most Expensive Pets You Can Own

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Source: https://www.marylandzoo.org/

Estimated Value: $3,000
Other Pet Expenses: food ($10 per week), cage ($250), neutering ($200), healthcare
Kinkajous, also called honey bears, are nocturnal tree-dwelling mammals. Even though they resemble monkeys in appearance, they are more closely related to red pandas and raccoons. They are active, curious, and noisy, and they can live up to 30 years. While it’s legal to get a permit and own a kinkajou in Florida for $3,000, you need to check if it’s the same in other states.
The honey bear is playful and sweet, and it needs a tall, large cage with lots of branches and ropes for climbing. You should regularly let it out of its cage so it can socialize, get some exercise, and not get bored. Feed it a variety of tropical fruit but not citrus fruits and strawberries. Also plan to spend on annual vaccines, deworming, neutering, dental care, and grooming.