29 Most Expensive Pets You Can Own

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Source: https://s.abcnews.com/

Estimated Value: $3,000
Other Pet Expenses: food ($10 per day), starter kit, large cage, healthcare
Australia’s hopping icons, kangaroos, are adorable, charismatic species, and while they may sometimes be considered pests in that nation, red and grey kangaroos are bred as pets in the United States and Canada. You can own a Kangaroo in Kentucky for $3,000, but you need a permit if you’ll transport your pet to a different state.
Kangaroos are funny and fascinating, but they’re also unpredictable. You don’t want to get into a boxing match with one. You need to spend money on a large enclosure because they get stressed and sick when fenced in small gardens or backyards. Prepare a daily diet of leaves, grass, moss, flowers, shrubs, grains, and sometimes, insects. Aside from housing and food, you need to pay for a starter kit that breeders provide, a large cage for transporting, and healthcare expenses—if you could find a vet who has experience handling kangaroos.