29 Most Expensive Pets You Can Own

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Miniature Donkey

Source: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/

Estimated Value: $1,150
Other Pet Expenses: food and bedding ($500 per year), veterinary bills ($900 per year), enclosure
Miniature donkeys are incredibly cute and affectionate cuddlers. They’re easy to train and play well with kids and other pets. They don’t grow taller than 36 inches and can live up to 35 years with minimum, special needs. You can buy one of these endearing creatures for $1,150, but you should first check if it’s legal to keep one in your area because miniature donkeys are not permitted for adoption in some states like New York.
Prepare to invest in a three-sided shelter to protect your miniature donkey from rain; even though this adorable, tiny horse doesn’t mind the cold, it does not like rain. Though it doesn’t need a huge space like a horse does, it still needs some room where it can run around and play. Plan to spend $1,400 annually for your pet’s food, grooming, and visits to the vet. It needs quality grass or grain hay for a high fiber, low protein diet, the same vaccinations a typical horse gets, and it should be dewormed every three months. Its hooves should also be trimmed every other month.