31 Of The Most Bizarre Trends Of The 50s And 60s

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Believing Sea Monkeys were real


Aaaah, Sea Monkeys: little critters of the sea you could “hatch” from a packet and care for in an aquarium. Aside from being a 60s craze, what were they exactly? The novelty aquarium pets were cyst-encased brine shrimp, marketed by American mail-order marketer and inventor, Harold von Braunhut. Simply tear open your packet of Sea Monkeys, add water, and feed them with the enclosed “magic crystals” to watch them miraculously come to life and grow. Uh-huh. As outlandish as the marketing promises were, however, Sea Monkeys so enthralled boys and girls of the 60s; they remain an enduring part of popular culture, today.