30 Things Tourists Should Never Do in Switzerland

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Only Try the Fondue Once

Source: https://www.expatica.com

When visiting Switzerland, indulge! Why fondue only once? After all, fondue is a favorite Swiss pastime!  Fondue originated from the landlocked country and became popular after the Swiss Cheese Union aggressively promoted it as a marketing strategy in the 1930’s. Cheese fondue is a traditional Swiss dish that originated in the Alps, mainly in and around the canton of Valais (French) or Wallis (German). Contrary to popular view outside of Switzerland, it did not originate as an après-ski snack; it’s a hearty peasant dish, using ingredients that were available in the winter: cheese, wine, coarse peasant bread. Today, it has become common dining ritual in a public affair throughout Switzerland with families and friends indulging over on a dinner table to savor especially when the weather is cold outside.