30 Things Tourists Should Never Do in Switzerland

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Forget to Learn Your Greetings

Source: https://envatousercontent.com

When spending a day in a Swiss city or while hiking in the Alps, you will realize that the Swiss have a peculiar custom of greeting one another. In fact, it is common even for strangers to greet each other: be it on the sidewalk, in the elevator or as they pass each other on a hiking trail. Simple words will come in handy when you want to engage with people in Switzerland.  To say ‘Hello” and ‘Thank you’ in Swiss German, say “Hallo” and “Danke.”  In French, “Bonjour” and “Merci” while in Italian you can say “Buongiorno” or “Ciao” and “Grazie.” Swiss greeting words and phrases are your way of fitting in. The more you use these greetings in everyday life, the quicker they will become second nature.