29 Things You Should Never Do On A Caribbean Cruise

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Do Not Use Elevators To Go Up Or Down One Floor

Source: https://www.cruisehive.com/

Again, be considerate to others. Most cruise ships have over 10 decks, and the elevator is the highway of the ship. They are surely busy with people going up or down. But unless you are elderly, or have a disability, don’t use the elevators for just going up or down a floor. It will not only inconvenience others, but may prevent others from using the elevators for longer distances. Imagine a group of tourists cramming into the elevator only to go down a floor. How will that make you feel? Also, don’t stand too near the elevator doors waiting to get in. Remember there may be passengers who will get out, so don’t block their way. Using the stairs will help burn calories. Most people tend to overeat during cruises, so some exercise will do you good.