29 Things You Should Never Do On A Caribbean Cruise

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Don’t Expect To Find Romance On a Cruise

Source: https://www.cruiseexperts.com/

Many films about romantic relationships that spark up on a cruise are actually misleading. First of all, most travellers on a cruise are not singles looking to hook up with fellow passengers. Most are either couples, families, or the elderly. If you think that you may find romance on a cruise to the Caribbean, dream on. You most likely will get disappointed. It should not be the primary reason for taking a cruise. If it happens, good for you. You will be among the very lucky few. Secondly, there is so much you can do during a cruise, romance is not part of the itinerary. Also remember that hooking up with a cruise employee is not allowed, they can lose their jobs. So be level-headed, and don’t think with your heart.