29 Things You Should Never Do On A Caribbean Cruise

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Don’t Play Loud Music In Your Cabin’s Balcony

Source: http://webapps.royalcaribbean.com/

There are really some arrogant and insensitive people, and cruise ships have had their share of them. Imagine the people beside your cabin blaring loud music while on their cabin’s balcony. It does not matter what kind of music, and whether it is your type or not. It is clearly disrespecting your right to enjoy the cruise. A case was reported of some teens blaring rap music upon which complaints from some of the neighboring cabins reached the cruise staff. The teens were told to turn off their stereo or the device will be confiscated. Most cruises now also don’t allow their passengers to bring their own appliances, including stereo devices that can be played exceedingly loud. Remember, you don’t own the ship. Respect the space and the rights of other travellers.