Actors and the Famous Roles That Almost Made Them Quit

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Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, in “The Avengers”


Jeremy Renner is an accomplished actor and he has played a lot of roles. And one of the most popular roles would be as the expert marksman “Hawkeye” in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In an interview with The Independent, Renner confessed that at one point during the filming of “the Avengers” he wanted Marvel to kill of his character. This was because he had gotten tired of acting as “Loki’s minion” and had become disenchanted with his character’s story arc. According to Renner he told the show producers “I’m giving you an option, if you just want to kick me out of this movie. Just (so) you know, at any given moment, if you wanna kill me off, daddy’s gonna be having a heart attack.” Good for us, Renner decided to finish that movie, since he eventually got more substantial parts for his character in the succeeding Marvel movies.